Monday, September 1, 2008

A stack of books

NZ Books Abroad has a fantastic competition underway to celebrate NZ Book Month with a prize over $1,000 of NZ Books (all 25 of this year's Montana finalists.) The webshop, which sells NZ titles to NZ and the world, has hidden five phoney titles among the genuine books it stocks.

You have to look for odd titles, silly blurbs, strange covers and unlikely authors and email your picks. It's a lot of fun. All correct entries go in a draw.

Without giving too much away, I enjoyed the 'fake' book set in parliament which included in its blurb: 'When Hide’s hatchet falls, bodies must be disposed of...' and had an 'endorsement' from a certain member of parliament which went like this:

After reading my advance copy I installed (at great personal expense) a mother of a shredder in my office — NZ Last MP.
NZ Books Abroad is owned by Louise Wrightson who is a bookseller of longstanding and a poet. I recommend it to people overseas who are (clears throat) clamouring for The Blue.

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